Yoga Sutra 2.52tataḥ kṣīyate prakāśa-āvaraṇam Then the veil [surrounding your light] disappears Here, Patanjali reaffirms the source of pure light...
Yoga Sutra 2.50Yoga sutra 2.50 bāhya-ābhyantara-stambha-vṛttiḥ-deśa-kāla-saṁkhyābhiḥnparidṛṣṭaḥ dīrgha-sūkṣmaḥ By observing the actions of exhalation,...
Yoga Sutra 2.49tasmin-sati śvāsa-praśvāsayoḥ-gati-vicchedaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ Having accomplished this [asana], mastery of the breath is required by...
Yoga sutra 1.14Yoga sutra 1.14 sa tu dīrghakāla nairantarya satkāra-ādara-āsevito dṛḍhabhūmiḥ Regular practice is firmly established when it is...
Yoga; a treatment for panic attacks?The precise cause of panic attacks is the subject of much debate in western medicine and is therefore still unknown. Historically, panic...