atīta-anāgataṃ svarūpah-asti-adhva-bhedāt-dharmāṇām
The past and future exist in the present
The previous sutra explained that since active impressions are constantly triggering actions and emotions, removing their causes, results, residual stamps and foundations removes the impressions. With less active impressions, your reactivity decreases.
The present seems real, unlike the past which is held in your memory and unlike the future which is only imagined. The past and the future do of course exist, but they have their own form of expression.
The past never leaves you; it shapes how you act in the present. The future is rooted in the present. Whether or not something happens is linked to the interplay of numerous circumstances, but the possibility is always there.
In bringing awareness to the above you may notice recurring circumstances leading you to suffering and agitation, which can be dropped.
Damian Cadman-Jones is an authorised teacher of Prana Vashya Yoga™