sopakramaṃ nirupakramaṃ ca karma tat-saṃyamāt-aparānta-jñānam-ariṣṭebhyaḥvāh
There are actions with clear results and actions with obscure results; Saṁyama on this gives knowledge.
Here, Patanjali talks about the ‘laws of karma’.
A deed done with clear results is positive and its results obvious. “Obscure results” refers to the delayed effect(s) of deed borne out of confusion or trouble. Saṁyama, that is a profound understanding of it all due to deep systematic enquiry, is applicable to all of your deeds/actions. Ultimately, with enlightenment you may see signs of problems to come, including the circumstances of your/your body’s own demise.
Damian Cadman-Jones is an authorised teacher of Prana Vashya Yoga™