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Utthita Padmasana aka "scale pose"

Writer's picture: Damian Cadman-JonesDamian Cadman-Jones

Updated: Feb 17, 2019

Promotes abdominal control

Tolasana or Utthita Padmasana a.k.a “scale pose” helps improve your core strength and is one of the Prana Vashya Yoga™ primary series finishing postures.

How to get into the position

From Padmasana or ‘Lotus Pose’ inhale and place your palms on the floor either side of your hips. Then exhale and push up, sucking your belly in towards your spine and engaging your core muscles, until your legs and glutes come off the ground.

Hold the position for five full breaths. On the inhalation, open your chest by moving your shoulders away from your ears and press your palms. On the exhalation, shift your weight forward slightly. Ensure you fix your vision on a point on the floor just ahead of you to maintain balance and to keep your neck elongated and avoid collapse of the same.


Utthita Padmasana:

· Strengthens the biceps, triceps, quadriceps and your waist

· Promotes abdominal control

· Activates the Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra)


Avoid this posture if you have issues with your shoulders or wrists.



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