Eka Pada Halasana or “one-legged plough pose” is one of the Prana Vashya™ Primary Series finishing postures and promotes a sense of calmness and clarity of mind.
How to get into the position
From lying down on your mat, inhale and come up into Sarvangasana or “shoulder-stand pose”, placing your palms on your lower back. Then, exhale and allow your left leg to come down to the floor behind your head. Straighten your upper leg, pointing your toe and turn your knee towards your forehead. Do not move your hip forward and make sure that your lower leg is straight – in line with your eye.
Protect your neck; do not try to turn your head in the position.
On each inhalation, try to lift your waist up. On each exhalation, try to press your shoulders to extend your leg further.
Hold the position for five full breaths and repeat on the other side.
Eka Pada Halasana:
Helps you sleep at night
Strengthens spine and neck
Stretches the shoulders and spine
Stimulates the abdominal organs, sola plexus chakra and the thyroid gland
Avoid this posture if you have any neck injuries or diarrhoea.
Damian Cadman-Jones is an authorised teacher of Prana Vashya Yoga™